Page 53 - AVN August 2016
P. 53

coming to our site were seeking digital downloads and
One thing to keep in mind is that users access sites
across multiple devices—cell phone, tablet,
desktop—and it’s important that the user
experience remains the same.
instant streaming over physical DVDs and other products.
For us, instead of trying to maintain consistent DVD
sales, we shifted our focus to offer better digital content
to our users,” she says. “The greatest advantage we have
over brick and mortars is we offer instant gratification. In
2012, and with the upsurge of Netflix and Hulu, we made
the decision to focus on our unlimited streaming service.
This allowed users instant access to HD content at the
push of a button, surpassing DVD quality and eliminating
the waiting period for new DVD rentals between
shipment from us to the customer and back.”
They also discovered a great influx of new daily
consumers after adding exclusive live cam shows to the
“The models offer a unique sense of human interaction
that cannot be found anywhere else on the web. Also,
as technology improves, cams will grow to be more
immersive and social, which is why this is a trend
that won’t fade quickly,” Valiente says. “We have high
expectations for VR and the future of adult e-commerce.
We imagine an immersive experience where the consumer
can watch and interact with the content, while at the
same time purchasing a DVD copy of that content, buying
the toy that a performer is using in a particular scene, and
sharing with the world their experiences at the same time
through social media.”
But regardless of what brings consumers to the
site, online retail vendors need to make it a smooth
transaction—where appearance and functionality
go hand in hand. “Because of the nature of
the adult business, we need to offer the best
visual experience for our users, from HD
images on our site, featuring the best
and most attractive box covers, to
having an overall visually appealing
and easy-to-use site.”
Dillon concurs, noting that
sites have to be easy to
navigate. “If it isn’t, the
user will leave. Plain
and simple. One thing
to keep in mind is
that users access
Jeff Dillon, VP of business development & marketing,
sites across multiple devices—cell phone, tablet, desktop—and it’s important that the user experience
remains the same. This is why having a responsive site is important in today’s day and age.”
Megan Wozniak, director of marketing for Adult Empire, says that consumers expect retailers to be
available 24/7 across multiple platforms to provide a seamless, real-time experience that’s consistent
across all touch points. “We live in a visual world. Provide users with clear navigation and visual
consistency. If a user is confused by the site, that feeling will make a site appear less attractive. A site
without quality images will not get the customers to check out.”
She notes that sex toy innovation is one of the key trends driving the sexual wellness market right
now. With exposure growing due to the internet, television and erotic novels, consumers are less
inhibited about experimenting with sex.
“We’re in a major technology-driven retail shopping transformation, and the way consumers make
purchasing decisions has been altered drastically. E-commerce has exploded, bringing shopping literally
into the palms of consumers’ hands. Consumers these days spend more time than ever on various
devices, and their interactions are more measurable than ever,” Wozniak says. “Technology is shaping
how consumers behave and interact with brands, and consumers are challenging retailers to keep up.
Understanding shoppers’ behavior is key for success. E-commerce personalization is the next generation
of the customer experience, and it’s what consumers are already beginning to expect.”
In terms of “hot” content, Dillon notes that the trend is going back to bigger-budget movies with a
higher production value and a better storyline. “At the same time, there is a growing amateur content
community. It’s interesting to see both the high road and the low road being traveled. In regards to
products, we are seeing a trend toward male-orientated sex toys and education around use of male sex
toys. The sex toy market has traditionally been dominated by women’s toys, buy more men than ever
before are buying and using sex toys, and this is fueling that market growth.”
Valiente adds that consumer tastes have changed over time. “Compared to a decade ago when
hardcore gonzo porn was our bread and butter, films that have natural lighting and color balance,
younger and attractive models, and a cinematographic feel get the highest engagement from our
customers today. We feel that these higher-end, couples-friendly productions will continue to grow in
popularity, mostly due to the fact that the current generation of porn directors and producers are aware
that men and especially women are more open about exploring sexuality and are willing to spend their
money on more premium products.”
But for Schut, it’s a far simpler scenario. He says that while the adult industry is always worried about
trends or what’s hot now, that doesn’t matter as much anymore. “Trends fade, what’s hot today looks
idiotic tomorrow. What the industry needs to do is go back to basics—finding the niche that you’re
really good at and running with it. And the best advice that seems to be heeded less and less: Make good
content. Put out shit, and the public will let you know it’s shit—their shopping carts will be empty.”
We’re in a major technology-driven retail
shopping transformation, and the way
consumers make purchasing decisions
has been altered drastically.
—Megan Wozniak, director of marketing, Adult Empire
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